viv quarry vivquarry

Pronunciation exercises

Pronunciation practice exercises . by Viv Quarry () 1. Final 's' Put the following words in the correct columns according to the sound of the plural or third person 's':



Viv Quarry's Site. Teachers' Resources - Cambridge University Examinations . Due to the frequent changes in the format of the Cambridge tests I have put links to the relevant pages on their web site. Here you can find details about the different tests and practice materials. If there are any problems with the links, just type 'Cambridge English ...


Describing trends by Viv Quarry

Describing Trends - By Viv Quarry (). When describing changes in data represented in a graph or bar chart, the following structures are common: Adjective and Noun. Time @ Adjective . Noun . steep . In February . sharp . considerable . Between March and June . there was a. marked . rise . increase.


The Cambridge First Certificate in English Examination

By Viv Quarry () The FCE listening test is in four parts. There isn't a separate answer sheet for this paper and you will have to write your answers or shade the correct lozenges on the test paper itself. The texts may be phone messages, instructions, news, public announcements, news, advertisements, speeches, interviews ...


The Present Perfect worksheet

The Present Perfect worksheet - Exercises. By Viv Quarry () Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. 1. He____lived_____ (live) in London for ...


Classroom games

Viv's Sentence Construction Game (symbols) Viv's Sentence Construction Game (sentences) 2. Bingo Time! Preparation: After teaching how to say the time in English, this game can be used to practice any form (24 hour clock, formal (two fifteen) or informal (quarter past two). Print out the clocks and cut them up so that there is one for each …


Phrasal verbs exercises

by Viv Quarry () Unfortunately, there are thousands of phrasal verbs in the English language and it takes years to learn them all. However, here is a list of ten verbs with some of the phrasal verbs associated with them. The verbs are: Put, get, look, give, take, make, do, go, come, be.


Word Order in English

by Viv Quarry () 1. Position of adverbs. Adverbs of frequency: And some other adverbs like: also, only, probably, almost, even, all & both. COME BEFORE THE MAIN VERB. Eg. Jack hardly ever …


Grammar worksheets

Viv Quarry's Site. Grammatical worksheets . When you click on the blue links, the first page you will usually see will be a page with exercises. After you've tried doing these, click on the link to the worksheet at the bottom of the page and you will find Viv's explanations on this area of the English language. Then go back and check your answers.


Upper-intermediate/advanced articles exercises

Upper-intermediate/advanced articles exercises. by Viv Quarry (vivquarry) 1. Fill the gaps with 'a', 'an', 'the' or 'X' (no article) Frank Crawford is an American citizen. He is also an FBI agent (and has an ID card to prove it) whose qualifications include an M.A. and a Ph.D. - and he has an I.Q. of 160. Because his father was an M.P. in X England and his mother, …


The Narrative Tenses

The Narrative Tenses - by Viv Quarry () Narrative tenses are the grammatical structures that you use when telling a story, or talking about situations and activities which happened at a defined past time. When narrating past events, ...


Word order worksheet

Word order worksheet - Exercises. by Viv Quarry () PUT THE WORDS IN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT ORDER. 1. I _____ sugar in my tea.


Upper-intermediate/advanced articles exercises

by Viv Quarry (vivquarry) 1. Fill the gaps with 'a', 'an', 'the' or 'X' (no article) Frank Crawford is an American citizen. He is also an FBI agent (and has an ID card to prove it) …


Upper-intermediate/advanced articles exercises

by Viv Quarry (vivquarry) 1. Fill the gaps with 'a', 'an', 'the' or 'X' (no article) Frank Crawford is _____ American citizen. ... Note: for help with some of the abbreviations and acronyms see Viv's abbreviations and acronyms worksheet.


When do I use the Perfect Tenses

When do I use the Perfect Tenses? By Viv Quarry () UNFINISHED PAST. How long....? * Since (e.g. "She's been here since 9am.") For + time *


Learing vocabulary

By Viv Quarry () Why is vocabulary important? Communication in a language involves four skills: Active skills: Speaking and writing. Passive skills: Listening and reading . A language is comprised of the following components: Grammar (The rules for correct sentence formation)


Phrasal verbs

by Viv Quarry () There are four types of phrasal (or multi-word) verbs. Type 1. Verb + adverb (NO OBJECT) The plane took off. The fire went out. Our plans fell through. Type 2. Verb + adverb + OBJECT. Could you hand out the books? or. Could you hand the books out? We'll have to put off the meeting. or. We'll have to put the ...


Indirect and reported Speech

Indirect & Reported Speech by Viv Quarry. () Remember, that with indirect and reported speech: 1. There is no Auxiliary verb Do/Does/Did Where does he live? and third person 's' is used. I'd like to know where he lives. 2. Auxiliary verb 'To Be' = If or Whether He's French.


Viv Quarry's web site

A list of Viv's ex-students. Examples of student's work, previous issues of Viv's school newsletter. Self-access worksheets for improving listening and reading at home. …


Viv Quarry's web site

The latest one covers Viv's trip to India in 1989. (work in progress) WHAT'S ON THIS SITE? THE TEACHER : More information about Viv, Viv's methodology, past web site photos and materials for teachers (grammatical flow charts, games and songs), these can be copied and used in class. THE STUDENTS : A list of Viv's ex-students.


Teachers' materials

Viv Quarry's Site. Teachers' Materials . This section includes materials developed by Viv to help make English language teaching more effective. Teacher training materials The first link below includes materials for teachers who already have some experience teaching English as a foreign language. This section includes examples of one of Viv's ...


Relative Clauses (Upper-intermediate +)

By Viv Quarry () There are two types of relative clause: defining and non-defining. Defining Relative Clauses . These clauses are an essential part of the meaning of a sentence, so the clause cannot be left out.


False friends worksheet

By Viv Quarry () Here is a letter which includes a lot of false friends. Write what the correct words should be in the spaces given. You may need to change some of the structures around the false friend. Rua Semnome 984, Apartment 501, Leblon, 22431 Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL. March 1998. Dear students,


Stative Verbs

Stative Verbs - by Viv Quarry () There are a group of verbs in English, which usually refer to a STATE (a situation which isn't in a process of change). These verbs are either unusual in the continuous form, or when used in the continuous the meaning of the verb is different. 1. Verbs of the MIND and THINKING.


interview techniques

INTERVIEW TECHNIQUES - by Viv Quarry () 1. Before the interview. Prepare for the interview by practicing talking about yourself and your educational and professional background. Record yourself speaking and check for grammatical or pronunciation errors, pace and clarity.


Linking Words by Viv Quarry | PDF | Verb | Sentence (Linguistics) …

Linking Words An introduction by Viv Quarry (). Linking words are essential for your writing to be natural and clear. Linking devices vary in three ways: 1. …


English Spelling

by Viv Quarry () 1. Some words are irregular and you have to learn the plural forms. child Þ children, woman Þ women, person Þ people, man Þ men, sheep Þ sheep. fish Þ fish, have Þ has, go Þ goes, do Þ does, shelf Þ shelves, knife Þ knives, wife Þ wives. half Þ halves. 2. Some nouns are uncountable and have no ...


The Present Perfect Simple and Continuous

by Viv Quarry () The present perfect is the English verb tense which speakers of Latin based languages (French, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish) find the most difficult to master. This is because, although this tense exists in their native language in form, it is rarely used in the same way in practice. As a result of this ...


Stative verbs worksheet

Stative verbs worksheet - Exercises 1. By Viv Quarry () Put the verb into the correct form. Use either the present simple or the present continuous.


Relative Clauses (Intermediate -)

Relative Clauses (Intermediate -). By Viv Quarry () Defining Relative Clauses. It's considered bad writing style to use very short sentences: I met the man.He works in the bank.. I bought the coat.It was in the shop window.. I met the man.Susan loves him.. I bought the coat.Susan wanted it.. In the first two sentences, the man and the coat …
